
The Aster Muro Journal - Creative Inspiration and Updates

Inspiration, insight and project news from Aster Muro.

SHOW / Aster Muro x Knauf at Clerkenwell DW 2019

Aster Muro, Meeting Points II (2019)

Aster Muro, Meeting Points II (2019)

Aster Muro x Knauf

Meeting Points (II & III of IV), 2019.

Airless finish on HD EPS. 1.85m x 1.2m panels

Light is therefore colour.
— J. M. W. Turner
Build for the world we live in.
— Knauf

Last week we were in London installing two new frescoes as part of Clerkenwell Design Week 2019. Commissioned by Knauf Clerkenwell, our studio has created Meeting Points, a soft, bright and delicate series of contemporary fresco panels.

These pieces convey and reflect an ideal harmony between us and our environment and were created using special modern techniques, and the latest Knauf materials.

Meeting Points is inspired by the interplay of the four elements, by a sense of the mysteries of life, and by fragility, sensitivity, lightness and reflection; the colours reflecting a bright future of sympathetic living.

Visualisation of fresco mural in office environment

Visualisation of fresco mural in office environment

Aster Muro, Meeting Points III (2019)

Aster Muro, Meeting Points III (2019)

Inspiration is drawn from the ethereal and powerful late watercolour studies of J.M.W. Turner, both in style and a sense of the physical locations, which are often buildings near mountains or water (be it sea or lake).

Each panel is filled with a sense of light reflecting the elements on water; abstracting, taking the essence of a place where the elements meet but also where people come together.

Influenced by practices in Action Art and Abstract Expressionism, we create bespoke fresco murals and panels for uplifting and beautiful interior spaces - the places where people live, work, and meet - the spaces where our lives unfold, reconnecting people to the world we live in and the source of life.

Visualisation of fresco ceiling in public space.

Visualisation of fresco ceiling in public space.

To start a conversation or meet with us contact

To view the two pieces from Meeting Points which are on display, visit the Knauf Clerkenwell showroom (20 Baltic Street, London, EC1Y 0UL; open Monday - Friday, 9.30-5.30pm) from now until November 2019 (when our next installation will be moving in…).

Visualisation of fresco murals in public space.

Visualisation of fresco murals in public space.

Charles Snell